Saturday Introduction Offering

At 8:40am, every Saturday, we offer a short introduction to seated meditation (Zazen in the tradition of Soto Zen) and some details on how to navigate our practices and practice place. If you have some training in seated meditation you could begin at 6am, a training on eating Oryoki (Japanese) style is offered after the first zazen period. Then join us for breakfast. The introduction would be after breakfast. Below is the schedule, you can harmoniously join us at any time.

Saturday Schedule

- 6:00 Zazen
- 6:40 Kinkin (walking meditation, Oryoki traning is offered)
- 6:45 Zazen
- 7:15 Service/Chanting
- 7:40 Breakfast
- 8:20 Break
- 8:45 Work Period
- 9:40 Zazen
- 10:05 Kinhin
- 10:15 Lecture, followed by Tea & Treats